Saturday, July 7, 2012

Birds DO fly through open car windows

We had gone to the market in the morning to get fresh pineapple and bananas and had left the windows open to the van, since we were going to the airport in a few hours. Tom, Monica and Efrain had gone before since I ad to get the lunch cooked.  Manuel had asked to drive so he could feel useful.  I said no problem.  When we went to get into the van to leave, Manuel opened the door and just stared into the van.  He said, " you are not going to believe this." I looked in and a bird had pooped on the passenger seat of the van. 

 I accused him of already knowing that since he had asked to drive. So, back upstairs to get a scrub brush and upholstery cleaner. What a great way to start off the first day of a new team. The team was the last group of people to come out.  But they were dressed in bright yellow T-shirts so finding them wasn't a problem.

After we got them back to the campground and fed, Andrea (team leader), Tom, Monica and I went shopping to get fresh veggies, diapers, baby wipes, deodorant, and hygiene items for the children and teens of the two orphanages we will be visiting tomorrow. We have tried to prepare the group for what they are about witness, but I doubt that anything will prepare them for it.  These are very depressing places. The orphanages have requested no pictures be taken, due to people posting pictures of children on Facebook. So I doubt that we will be getting any photos, but we shall see.

On a totally side note, we received word that our beautiful "Twisted Beauty" Locust tree sustained damage during the big storm of last week.  This tree was almost as tall as our home.  Our house guest thinks it can be saved. This was a very unique looking tree and it makes me sad that it suffered damage, BUT at least our house is fine.
The house for sale across the street wasn't so lucky and sustained significant damage.  I am very thankful that we might have to replace a tree and not our home. This little white house was built in the 1800's.... 

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