First day of work and we managed to go about two hours before someone got hurt. Apparently one of the boys thought if he swung a piece of rebar really high and hard he could get the "laja" pieces to come off better. UNFORTUNATELY, his head got in the way. He ended up hitting himself on the top of the head. We had a hard time trying to figure out exactly how he did it, but he did... We were going to make up a really good story of how one of the girls hit him with a pick axe, but then, his own story WAS pretty funny. FORTUNATELY his dad is on the trip and knows what really happened. No trip to the hospital was necessary (YEA) and today he is fine.
For those who don't remember the last time Tom drove the big box truck to Siguatepeque, let me remind you. Tom hit a sign in town and had to replace it AND took down a phone line AND a cable line. Efrain has been driving the truck this year so Tom hasn't had a repeat performance. Efrain could NOT come with us this time so Tom is driving the box truck. Jared is his co pilot and Tom instructed Jared that his primary and ONLY job is to make sure Tom didn't bring anything down as he passed by. They got all the way to the church site and Jared figured he didn't have to care anymore. WRONG! Tom brought down the only electrical wire.... We are officially 0 for 4 on issues with the vehicles this time. 4 teams with 4 issues. I guess it is a good thing this is our last team for the summer or we might not have anything left to drive.
2nd day of work started early. We left the hotel at 6:30 am in order to get to the worksite by 7:00.
I got there and Letty asked me where everyone else was. I looked behind me and no one came. I waited and waited. Still no one. So I call Tom. He says he was almost to the church when the guy driving the third vehicle called him and said they had to go back to the hotel for something. UGH! They didn't get there until about a half hour later. Turned out the lady who is responsible for bringing the first aid kit forgot it and they had to go back. The luck we are having at work sites, it was something that we needed to have. The team worked till noon and then they REALLY got to work.
They played with kids. From 1pm until 3 pm, they played with small children and THEN, from 3 pm to 5 pm, they played and had devotions with the teens. The team made balloon swords and the children chased each other and the team with them. The team painted faces and played with a parachute. It was wonderful see them play so hard. the kids LOVED it.
The team played A LOT of soccer. The other teens LOVED it.
Part of dinner was made by Angel, Jared, and me. We made home made enchiladas, which are made from a corn flour mixture, rolled into balls, smashed with a small board and then deep fried. EVERYTHING Hondurans eat involve corn flour, hot oil and a flame. They were delicious if I do say so myself. Don't everyone get their hopes up for getting any when I get home to Ohio. They are WAY too labor intensive AND greasy for me to do in my kitchen. I'd be cleaning grease off my stove and cabinets forever.

Just as we were sitting down to eat, Maria's girls came by to get water for their family. These girls range in age from 3 years old to 10 years old. They walk BY THEMSELVES over 2 miles over dangerous terrain to the church to get water. We fill up their jugs and then they carry them all the way back. Vehicles cannot go where they live, so they must walk and we cannot help them. These girls don't know where their next meal is coming from half the time, so they got to sit down with us and eat until they couldn't eat anymore. And boy did they eat. Two of the girls ate 4 enchiladas, two ate 3 and even the littlest one managed to eat two. They wanted to stay and play, but it was getting dark and they had so far to go so we made them leave. BUT, they will be back tomorrow for church in the morning AND probably church in the evening as well. BUT, they will come by themselves. Their mother won't be with them. You see she has another new baby at home; her 9th child. this single mom prostitutes herself in exchange for food...How sad...
BUT, we are God's hands and feet here in Honduras and we have answered God's request to help His children anyway we can. Pastor Rigo and Letty minister to their spiritual and physical needs whenever they can, and we, as various team members, love on them whenever we can. And, isn't that all God has ever asked any of us to do?
Have a blessed night.
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