We had the privilege of touring the worst of the burned out areas of the central market fire that are still standing. As we were taken deep into the hallow shell of what was left of the main building, we couldn't help but choke on the burning plastics which still continue to smolder. They have been putting water on this area of 21 days and it is still smoking.
Over 732 private businesses were destroyed, which the papers say put over 20,000 people out of a job.

This church is directly across the street from where the original fire started. The fire was so intense that it completely melted the STAINED GLASS windows of the front of the church.

These pictures are just a few to try and show what it looks like right now. The market is set up with all like items in the same area. For example, all shoes are sold in one area; all meat in another spot and so on. The intensity of the fire was really bad where all the plastics were sold. Many stores only sold plastic bags and plastic plates and plastic chairs, etc. The first picture I posted is in the plastic area where they can't get it to stop burning. The smell was SO pungent. Now try to imagine an entire store of plastic burning...

The above picture shows that business is usual for some of the merchants already. this gives a whole new meaning to smoked meats... I took this picture looking down from where the plastics were still burning. So, who wants a fresh grilled tongue??? The special flavoring might just be smoked plastic. Makes ya hungry doesn't it?!
And lastly, this is a picture of one of the police officers that are assigned to stand guard down there. No one is permitted into the area where the fire completely destroyed the block as people were trying to steal all the iron and copper. Now there are about 20 officers standing guard while the workers use heavy equipment to get the twisted metal removed.
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